Children — Everyday Wellness Blog


Using Essential Oils for Calming Effects on Children


Whether you are in the middle of your grocery shopping, the living room, or dropping your kid off at school, meltdowns are something that every parent dreads. Sometimes meltdowns come from a lack of sleep, other times your child might just feel overwhelmed, and oftentimes there is no explanation for it at all, but unfortunately, meltdowns do happen. 


As a parent, you probably have a few go-to solutions for when a meltdown strikes. Maybe you hurry and grab your child’s favourite blanket, or you offer up some candy you have stowed away in your purse. In addition to your tried-and-true methods for calming your child down, essential oils can be a very useful tool for creating a soothing, relaxed environment—for both children and adults. 


If frequent meltdowns make you worry about going out in public or have you dreading bedtime or homework time, you can use essential oils to help create a calm, focused environment to help your child feel collected and stress free. 

Wondering how to calm down a child using essential oils? Try one or both of these incredible essential oil blends—designed just for children!



Calmer® Restful Blend

If your kids tend to get wound up or emotional around bedtime, it can make every night feel like a wrestling match instead of the calm, quiet time of day that it should be. The Calmer Restful Blend uses the soothing properties of Lavender, Cananga, Buddha Wood, and Roman Chamomile to help promote feelings of relaxation while reducing occasional feelings of stress. 


On days when emotions are running high in your house, you can use Calmer to provide soothing and relaxing feelings that help to create a restful atmosphere conducive to sleep. 


How to use the doTERRA Calmer Blend

  • Before bed, roll Calmer on your child’s chest and back of the neck to promote a restful and calm sleep. 

  • Try applying Calmer to your child’s wrists at the end of the day to help diminish worry and quiet restlessness. 

  • If your child is having trouble calming down, apply Calmer to the bottoms of their feet at bedtime to help them unwind before going to sleep. 

Thinker® Focus Blend

Another unique blend designed just for children, the Thinker Focus Blend can help to reduce feelings of mental stress when your child feels distracted or overwhelmed. Oftentimes, the key to bouncing back after a meltdown (or avoiding a meltdown altogether) is getting your child to focus on something other than their frustrating or overwhelming feelings. 


Channelling a child’s energy can help them to process their emotions. The Thinker Blend is designed to help create a sense of alertness and clarity, while helping to reduce feelings of mental stress. 


As you help your child eliminate distractions, focus on the task at hand, and reduce mental stress, they will be able to concentrate. This creates a supportive and positive environment for enhanced creativity and focus. 


How to use the doTERRA Thinker Blend

  • Roll Thinker on your child’s wrists or hands and have them inhale deeply to promote a sense of clarity and alertness. 

  • When your child is experiencing feelings of sadness or stress, help them apply Thinker to uplift their mood. 

  • If your child is feeling overwhelmed or frustrated at school or during homework time, have them keep a bottle of Thinker in their backpack so they can use it to help support creativity and instil feelings of clarity.

For a brief introduction to these and many other Essential Oils, join one of or free webinars. Select your preferred date at the following link:
