Nutrition and wellbeing are the cornerstone of a healthy and fulfilling life. Nutrition contains the essential nutrients our bodies require for optimal functioning, providing the fuel necessary for energy, growth and repair. True wellbeing is achieved through a balanced diet rich in whole foods, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and mindful practices that nurture both body and mind. It's about cultivating healthy habits that promote longevity, vitality, and resilience, enabling individuals to thrive and live life to its fullest potential. I am dedicated to empowering individuals with the knowledge, resources and support they need to prioritise their nutrition and wellbeing, join me on a journey of better health. Contact Jen today. 

Gut Health Consultation Program

How is your Gut Health?

For anyone who has read my story,  you will know that in my mid to late 20’s Gaviscon was my best friend. I didn’t know what was going on and twice I ended up in hospital thinking I was getting a heart attack !!

Eventually as time went on, I was diagnosed with a hiatus hernia, gastritis, reflux. So it took me a long road to find out what were the things that aggravated it and what were the things that eased it. Irritable Bowel Syndrome,  IBS also reared its head and my gut was all over the place in my 20’s. So, in my mid- twenties was the start of my road to discover what did and didn’t suit my body and how was I going to sort it out?

People share with me their struggles and stories with IBS and always having to know where the toilet is, having embarrassing toilet incidents, afraid to go out, not knowing what to eat, always feeling bloated no matter what you eat and feeling anxious. One day its ok another day its not ok!

This is a frustrating life to live and really limits people and their experiences. Stress and Anxiety are also factors linked hugely to IBS, so this is always part of the programme that I offer. I am happy to say that I get fantastic results now with my clients who have gut issues where they know what they can eat, are comfortable in their work place and not embarrassed with uncontrollable wind, they are comfortable going out again and are back in control of their life. Clients Immune system gets stronger, their mood, focus and energy all increases as a result as well as weight loss. As people with IBS can have a lot of bloating around their stomach and it always feels big due to the foods they are eating.

I am so passionate about this topic: one, because I have had my struggles with it, and two, I love to see people get great results, get relief from their symptoms where they claim back the life they deserve.

3 Month Gut Health Program - Tailored to your Needs

What you get:

  • 1 hour Consultation,

  • 4 x 40 min consultations,

  • Full Menu Plan,

  • Easy Recipes to follow,

  • Guidance on what foods to eat,

  • Recording of Food Demonstrations,

  • Supplement Recommendations,

  • Stress and Anxiety Management Coaching

  • And more……..



BONE HEALTH Consultation Program

Due to several risk factors in my life such as, Various contraceptives, in the family gene pool, car crash, steroids, hormones etc , I have had osteoporosis in parts of my back and osteopenia. So it decreased in my mid 30’s to my mid 40’s. But I was determined in the last 2 years to turn things around, I am now 47. So I collected as much information as I could and I listened to all the recent talks on bone health to equip myself with the most current information.

Recently I had my bone density scan completed, and for the first time in 10 years, I increased my bone density by eating right, supplementing right and exercising right.

Bone health becomes increasingly vital as we age, as our bones naturally weaken and lose density over time. Strong bones provide essential support for our bodies, reducing the risk of fractures and mobility limitations in later years. Maintaining good bone health through diet, exercise and lifestyle will help as I found out. Investing in bone health now ensures a more active and independent lifestyle in our senior years, promoting overall wellbeing.

Contact me directly to join my Bone Health Programme.



HORMONAL HEALTH Consultation Program

I am now at that time of life where hormones are changing, and I am hitting the peri-menopause stage. Perimenopause, is a natural biological process that typically begins in a woman’s late 30’s early 40’s but can be earlier or later for some. During this period, the ovaries gradually reduce their production of oestrogen and other hormones, leading to a range of physical and emotional changes.

  • Irregular menstrual cycles, which can become shorter or longer, and may be heavier or lighter bleeding.

  • Hot flashes and night sweats are also common, causing sudden, intense feelings of heat and excessive sweating.

  • Mood swings, irritability and changes in sleep patterns such as insomnia or disrupted sleep, can affect a women’s emotional well-being.

  • Other symptoms may include vaginal dryness, decreased libido and cognitive changes like forgetfulness or difficulty concentrating.

While peri-menopause can be challenging, understanding these symptoms and seeking advice when needed can help women navigate this natural transition with greater ease. I have a number of clients going through this and also in full menopause. Get the full picture of what you need to support your body to help ease these symptoms through lifestyle and diet. If you would like a programme to help in this area of your life, contact me today.

Contact me directly to join my Bone Health Programme.



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